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Guardian Angel Gift Ensemble


Guardian Angel Bag

In any zip lock or clear zipper bag (like a new large coin purse or make-up bag), insert the following:  A note card that says:

This bag contains some helpful items from a Guardian Angel!  Here's what she thinks each of us can use, and the reason for each item. 

Insert these items, in addition to typing all this on the note card

Smiley Face -- Smiling is not only good for your face -- it's good for others.

*Glitter (Angel Dust) -- To remind you to keep positive thoughts and look on the bright side.

Band-Aid -- To soothe your hurt feelings . . . and those of others.

Rubber band -- In order to get along with each other, we must all stay flexible.

Sweet & Sour Candy -- A reminder that differences give spice to our lives

Hugs and Kisses -- We all need them, and often!  Eraser -- To keep in mind that every day we can make a fresh start.

Paper Clip -- To help you hold things together.  [You can use your imagination or copy from other

* "Angel Whispers" Recipe -- something good to bake for someone special.

[Print the following recipe onto recipe card sized paper & include recipe in the bag with above items.]


 Angel Whispers Cookie Recipe
Make these cookies to go with the Guardian Angel Bag

1 cup butter
1/2 cup powder sugar
2 cup flour 1 tsp. lemon
1/2 tsp. salt

Cream butter, add sugar. Mix well. Add remaining ingredients and blend well.  Chill. Flatten 1 tsp. dough on cookie sheet. Bake at 400 degrees until brown.

1 egg slightly beaten
2/3 cup. sugar grated rind of one lemon
3T. lemon juice
1 1/2 T. butter Blend in double boiler, stirring until thick.
Place small amount between two cookies.

Affix an outer tag with ribbon, with 'Guardian Angel Bag' in cute lettering with a stamped, clipart, or drawn picture of an angel.

Angel Glitter
Add this project with the Guardian Angel Bag

Make a paper tag, with the name "Angel Glitter" and with these instructions:
"For a little magic in your life, close your eyes, sprinkle some on and make a wish.  It it sparkles, you wish will come true!"

Place about 1/4 c. of regular table salt in a large zip lock bag and a couple teaspoons of coarse clear glitter (the iridescent ones) and 3 - 4 drops of essential or floral oil.  Shake the bag to mix contents.  Test it on a paper towel to make sure the oil doesn't stain the paper, and if it does, add more of the dry ingredients until it doesn't.  If you don't have essential oil, use anything that smells nice (i.e. cologne or vanilla extract, you get the picture).  This quantity makes about 8 little packages.

Make 8 small envelopes using angel, Victoria, floral or whatever you choose.  Glue sides of envelope with any good paper glue.  Seal the flap with a temporary glue stick.  Place about 1/2 tsp. of the Angel Dust in a baggie, or you can also use those little jewelry plastic bags, they sell it at the craft stores.  Makes it easier for opening.  Place one in each envelope.


courtesy of Crafts On-Line