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Cafe 'Au Lait
Submitted by Jenn 8/00

1 - 11oz jar non-dairy creamer 
1/2 cup packed brown sugar 
1/2 cup instant coffee 
dash of salt 

Mix ingredients together in a bowl.  Then spoon into wide mouth jar.   To serve:  use 1/4 cup mix to 2/3 cup hot water for the Cafe 'Au Lait.

Suggestion from List Mom:  Try layering the ingredients in the jar, they come out really pretty and unique.  Make sure to add on your tags that it needs to be shaken up before using to mix the ingredients together.

Note:  using a blender to mix all ingredients will give you the store bought look.  It will grind the coffee granules to a finer texture.



courtesy of Crafts On-Line