Paper Crafts - Envelope Techniques


Antique Look

Metallic Sponging

Custom Clear Envelopes




Envelope - try white, manila and colored

Light the match, and move the envelope edges through the flame. You can use a sweeping motion or move the paper up and down the flame. Don't burn the envelope folds, cause whatever you put inside the envelope would then fall out.  Please be careful not to catch the envelope on fire!



Small sponge
Envelope (black, white, manila or any color)
Gold, silver, bronze or brass metallic paints

Put a small amount of the paint on the newspaper.  Dab the dampened sponge into the paint. Gently tap the excess paint off on dry paper dowel and then dab the envelope to give it a star dusted look.  You don't want to glob it on. Remember:  less is more.  Add glittery stickers, etc.


Custom Clear Envelopes

Make your own custom clear envelopes.  Take a sheet of laminate (or clear contact paper) and peel off the backing.  Sprinkle confetti, glitter, dried flowers, whatever you want. Use lots of stuff, it looks cool.  Cover the whole thing with plastic wrap.  Try different color plastic wrap for different effects.

Pop any air bubbles with an X-acto knife.  Trace an envelope pattern, cut, fold and glue.  You CAN mail these, just use the self-adhesive postage stamps. It doesn't matter how much confetti you use.  Put the address on when you're done with a clear Avery-type label. Don't cut the contact paper until you're done!

Make a big sheet of confetti contact paper and then cut out your envelope shape.  You want the plastic wrap to wrinkle, cause that's what gives it the water look.

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